Speaking Topics



In a world with so much talk of ‘resilience’, one must wonder… is resilience really good enough? In ‘The Adversity Advantage’, Tom discusses his process of going beyond resilience, and becoming ‘Antifragile’. Because sometimes it’s not good enough to simply be able to resist stressors; sometimes we must grow from them, using them to become better versions of ourselves.

From agility to adaptability, our ability to reframe negative vicissitudes can be the difference between sinking or swimming.

Problem Solving & Lateral Thinking

What do a Global Pandemic and the loss of all four limbs have in common? In his light-hearted yet captivating take on adversity and pragmatism, Tom Nash elucidates the links between being forced to think differently to solve problems, and the lateral thinking methods involved in overcoming challenges.

From overcoming the roadblocks of Path Dependency and Defensive Decision Making, to dividing and conquering problems creatively, identifying false assumptions and testing ideas that others don’t bother to.

An uplifting discourse which takes solace from the knowledge that no matter what threats lurk on the horizon... we all have it within us to overcome them.

Innovation with Universal Design - Stumbling upon Success

What hacks can be used to make design unique? Designing systems, products or environments for the average person under perfect conditions seeks to satisfy the group, while often failing to serve each individual.

Conversely, Innovating with Universal Design in mind, solves problems that are obvious for the individual but which often have unintended positive consequences for the wider population.

Many technologies designed with limited abilities in mind have gone on to become crucial and ubiquitous tools favoured the world-over by broader populations despite their abilities or limitations.

Universal design has the ability to solve problems previously shrouded by the naivety of narrow objectives, and broaden the canvas of opportunity for unique design and innovation.

The Perks of Being a Pirate

Outlining the way that adversity can be used to one’s advantage, The Perks of Being a Pirate pulls back the curtain on how people can exploit their shortcomings to play to their own strengths and use lateral thinking methods to overcome challenges with aplomb. One may never think of hardship in the same way again after considering this fresh mindset.
